Monday, March 15, 2010

For the Love of Paper!

I love paper!
Growing up with antique dealers as parents, I was destined to either hate antiques or love everything old. My first love was paper. I remember looking at old photos and old stinky books and being enthralled with their history and stories. As I went into college I was able to experiement with paper more then I ever knew I could.  I was a photography major who filled any extra time with paper making, marbling, intaglio and artist books courses.  After college I was busy with photography and my family so I began to collect books to keep the fire alive.
That brings me to Portland, this wonderful city full to the brim with amazing artists who love ephemera!
Antique books with beautiful leather covers are rich with color and age. Who can pass up such an amazing piece of history.
The Withies has created these fun ribbon bound antique books. Whimsical and charming I loved them the moment I saw them.
Addison Endpapers from Oakland, California has made these cute black labels from her workshop. They are perfect as gift labels and art projects.
Words, words, words! The flashcards were in instant hit with all of my customers. I haven't even stored away any for myself they have been flying out the door so fast.
Vintage French postcards. I didn't find them in France but until then I can dream.

Thea's Interiors

1 comment:

Monticello Staff said...

Joyce said;
Great post Thea! Love the books! Would love to see what the rest of the shop looks like. Thanks for chatting with me!